Silver Fit


Winter… the dreaded time where productivity decreases, laziness increases, and the days are generally colder and darker, making it a lot less appealing to exercise.

Staying active all year round can be an intimidating task, especially when Mother Nature is not co-operating. This is why it is important to be involved in a community based exercise program where you can have friends to hold you accountable and cheer you on through the winter. Exercising throughout the year will help you to achieve a weather-proof, healthy lifestyle. When we exercise, our muscles change slowly and get stronger over time, which is why it is vitally important to keep up your fitness throughout the year, as opposed to exercising intensely in the summer and then doing nothing in the winter.

Knowing that activity levels drop in winter and we are naturally inclined to exercise less, this is one more reason to celebrate the 1st of September and the start of Spring!

As the temperatures start to rise, what can you to embrace spring

1. Gardening – This is a good way to be more active as well as make sure you get your dose of vitamin D.

2. Spring clean – Make space for new things and new opportunities.

3. Evaluate your exercise patterns – Are you consistent in your routines or do you have difficulty following through and maintaining an exercise program? Perhaps you need to re-evaluate what it means to be fit and what exercises work for you.

4. Make a list of what exercises you do – Where are you lacking and where can you do more?

5. Spring signals new life, making it a good time to try a new exercise routine – join a new class or get out with friends.

As we bound into spring, consider coming to a free Silver Fit trial class. We aim to have classes that are fun and social while still challenging you and helping you be the best you that you can be!

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